Action#1 (Re)itinerating La Sagrera / Vulnus, Living Arts and Research
Inhabiting the Border – Action#1 (Re)itinerating La Sagrera is the first step of an artistic co-creation project led by Vulnus, Living Arts and Research.
For nearly a year, Vulnus members, in collaboration with residents of La Sagrera – the neighbors – have reimagined the concept of the border at the intersection of arts, society, and the unofficial memory of this neighborhood in Barcelona.
A participatory process that has given rise to five poetic narratives presented at Espai 30 on November 27, 2021, in which the neighbors share their life stories, vulnerabilities, strengths, and reveal five subjective perceptions of the same La Sagrera.
It’s a neighborhood’s history that cannot be found in books but resides in the minds and hearts of its inhabitants.
Invited by Vulnus, Talkartive had the privilege to collaborate on the project by creating a sound collage that narrates this human adventure from the perspective of the participating neighbors and outlines the initial contours of an emotional sound map of La Sagrera.
Listen to the sound collage (to be listened to with headphones):